Saturday, August 7, 2010

Law of Torah: Two in One

Two laws exist in Torah…The law of life and blessing and the law of sin and death and the curse. They are separate in their purpose but one in that they both come from the Father and all things are one in Him. At an appointed time, the Law of sin and death will literally be cast into the pit forever and THEN as the scripture teaches, there will be one law…the law of life alone in action.

The WORD of Elohiem is created to extend both salvation (grace) and judgment. In the WORD of Eloheim both elements exist. They are one in the masters hand. Both come forth from Eloheim himself. They are both part of His perfect nature.
Example: (Consider this spiritual concept... A man represents law or judgment and a woman represents salvation or grace. Now read on..) Genetically speaking, in a male/female relationship, the man determines the sex of the offspring produced in this union. The man alone has the xy Chromosomes. In him exists the ability to bring forth both male and female children. The woman has only the female chromosome. She cannot produce a male child. This example is a picture of Yah, in Him alone lies both salvation and judgment, they are one in Him. In God there is both salvation and judgement...this is a shadow picture of Torah and Messiah. The male in the relationship is the shadow of Yah in that in Him alone exists both salvation and judgment...The two must operate as one for the works of God to be completed. The WORD was created from the beginning to be is the picture of the male and female union.

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