Monday, July 4, 2011

When Uncertainty Comes Your Way; dealing with fear of the unknown

Sometimes it appears that the storms of life will overtake you.  Don't look at the water.

This is an excerpt from Hanna's Cupboard and a reminder to myself.  
Note: this devotion was edited by me.

In the investment world, "futures" are speculative commodities such as wheat or soybean harvests. You never know for sure how those things are ultimately going to come in. Selling futures is a risky business because you are guessing now on a future event.

If I said to you, "don't sell futures",  it means don't get ahead of the results and waste time investing emotionally in what may never come to pass. It means don't act NOW like the worst case scenario has already happened. Have you ever done that? I have!

It's easy to do when something negative happens. Suddenly worries are piled on worries and instead of waiting to see how things will really turn out, you open the door to self pity and despair. It's really a big waste of time but we often do it anyhow.

The Bible has its own way of saying the same thing. Matthew 6:34 says; "Each day has enough trouble of its own." Boy is that true! We can stay sufficiently busy handling today's troubles without stockpiling worries for tomorrow. So the next time you start to speculate about what awful things might be in the works, remember: DON'T SELL FUTURES!

**It's me again...This is the message of the day, week and probably the message of the year for me.  Abba is speaking to me to remember NOT to rely on what I see because He is able to do all things.  His timing is perfect and He is never late or lacking.  If I can remember this and walk in it this truth, I won't be overcome by fear and doubt.  If I can remember that He is at work on His plan I won't have to fall to pieces because I can't see the light at the end of this tunnel.  I can trust that He knows my need and hears me and will bring every season to pass in His time.  I love that.  I am choosing to thank Him for His plan and to refuse to walk in fear for what is obviously out of my control...however, on the same note, I will throw in a reminder that Jacob wrestled with the Angel of YHWH and received his request.  We must not ever give up on going to Abba prayerfully and making our petitions known to Him as long as we truly are seeking Him for His will and not our own...THAT IS THE IMPORTANT PART.  It's easy to ask for what I want, not knowing if it's what Abba wants for me.  I have to desire His way more than my own.  

I am thankful for His heart on this matter to me because we have had some situations arise that seem like mountains, no way around and no way over unless YHWH makes the way and if He does, it will be apparently  that it was Him and not us.  I am thankful that He desires for me to understand this but in the midst of these circumstances I will pray and ask for His mercy and His help because we cannot do what only He alone can.  I pray for His perfect will along with peace and I will pray some more when I am done praying and I will give thanks.

1 comment:

Moira said...

Shalom Traci~
HE is GOOD "ALL" the time! Amein!

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